NaNoWriMo-induced absence

No time for blogging, Facebook, or watching Star Trek movies with my husband these days. On top of my regular gigs I’m writing a novel as part of the National Novel Writing Month.

I’m 8000 words in and it’s exciting to see what can be done in an hour a day, even in 10 or 15 minute bursts here and there. It really is possible to write a book this way! Or at least a very rough first draft, which is still no mean feat.

It’s part of my 40 things for 40 years challenge to write a book sometime over the next (now) 11 months. It’s a lot of fun.

Have a great weekend and I’ll catch you later.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Marilyn, I’m always amazed at how quickly the words add up each day. Keep showing up at your keyboard and your muse will too. You can do this.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


  2. Sue Elvis says:


    Sounds like you are enjoying your writing! I’d love to hear more about your novel. Is it an adult story or a children’s one?


    1. Hi Sue. I’m struggling to keep my average daily word count up, but I am enjoying it. It’s my first time. I had no idea about any characters of the plot when I started on November 4 but thought I’d go by the seat of my pants. Now I have my characters and the start of some action and it’s turning out to be an action/thriller novel for adults with some apocalyptic/mystical stuff thrown in. Lots of fun!


  3. Cristina says:

    Yay! I’m so glad you joined. Happy writing!


    1. Thanks Cristina, same to you (I noticed that you’re doing it as well)!

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